Names | Numerology | Meaning |
Paadini |
9 |
Pleasing Song |
Paavai |
5 |
Beautiful Girl |
Padma |
8 |
Goddess Lakshmi |
Padmagriha |
6 |
Who Resides In A Lotus |
Padmaja |
1 |
Born From Lotus, Lakshmi |
Padmajai |
1 |
Born From Lotus; Lakshmi |
Padmakali |
5 |
Lotus Bud |
Padmakshi |
1 |
One With Lotus-like Eyes |
Padmal |
2 |
Lotus |
Padmalaya |
2 |
Lake Of Lotuses |
Padmalochana |
8 |
Lotus Eyed |
Padmamalini |
3 |
Goddess Lakshmi |
Padmapriya |
5 |
Lover Of Lotus |
Padmarekha |
6 |
Lotus- Like Lines On Palm Which Are Considered To Be Sign Of Good Luck |
Padmaroopa |
1 |
Like A Lotus |
Padmashri |
8 |
Divine Lotus |
Padmavasa |
6 |
One Who Resided In Lotus ( Goddess Lakshmi) |
Padmavati |
6 |
Goddess Lakshmi |
Padmini |
3 |
Lotus Plant, Also Famous Queen Of Chittaud |
Padnuni |
7 |
Lotus |
Pahal |
2 |
The Start |
Pakhi |
9 |
Bird |
Pakshalika |
8 |
On The Right Path |
Pakshi |
1 |
Bird |
Palak |
5 |
Eyelash,eye Lid |
Palaksi |
6 |
White |
Pallavi |
1 |
New Leaves |
Pallavini |
6 |
With New Leaves |
Paloma |
4 |
White Dove |
Pameela |
8 |
Honey |
Pamela |
3 |
Honey |
Pampa |
2 |
River |
Panchali |
1 |
Doll, Also Draupadi, The Wife Of Pandavas |
Pandara |
1 |
Wife |
Panini |
9 |
Skilful |
Panita |
7 |
Admired |
Pankaja |
9 |
Lotus |
Pankajadharini |
9 |
Who Holds A Lotus |
Pankajam |
4 |
Pankhadi |
1 |
Petal |
Pankhuri |
8 |
Pankita |
9 |
Pankti |
8 |
Sentence |
Panna |
1 |
Name Of A Jewel |
Panya |
3 |
Admired, Glorious, Eexcellent |
Papiha |
6 |
A Sweet Singing Bird |
Parajika |
4 |
A Raagini |
Parama |
5 |
The Best |
Parameshwari |
6 |
Goddess Durga |
Paramita |
7 |
Friend Of Others |
Paravi |
4 |
Bird |
Parbarti |
4 |
Surrender |
Pari |
8 |
Charitable Prince,fairy |
Paridhi |
2 |
Realm |
Parina |
5 |
Fairy |
Parinita |
7 |
Expert, Married Woman |
Parishi |
8 |
Like A Fairy |
Parita |
2 |
Parivita |
6 |
Extermely Free |
Pariyat |
9 |
Flower |
Parmeshwari |
5 |
Goddess Durga |
Parmita |
6 |
Wisdom |
Parnal |
8 |
Leafy |
Parnashri |
5 |
Leafy Beauty |
Parnavi |
9 |
Bird |
Parni |
4 |
Leafy |
Parnik |
6 |
Creeper |
Parnika |
7 |
A Small Leaf; Parvati |
Parnita |
7 |
Auspicious Apsara |
Parthavi |
5 |
Goddess Sita |
Parthivi |
4 |
Sita |
Parul |
5 |
Graceful, Flow Of Water |
Parvani |
9 |
Full Moon; A Festival Or A Special Day |
Parvati |
6 |
Daughter Of Himalaya, Wife Of Lor Shiva |
Parveen |
9 |
Star |
Parveeni |
9 |
Star |
Parvini |
8 |
Festival |
Pasha |
9 |
A Bond |
Pashupriya |
8 |
Fond Of All Beings |
Patala |
6 |
Goddess Durga |
Patmanjari |
4 |
A Raga |
Patmanjiri |
3 |
A Raagini |
Patralekha |
3 |
A Name From Ancient Epics |
Paula |
6 |
Pavaki |
6 |
Goddess Saraswati |
Pavana |
1 |
Holy; Sacred |
Pavani |
9 |
Goddess Ganga |
Paveena |
1 |
Freshness, Purity |
Pavitra |
6 |
Tulasi |
Payal |
1 |
Anklet, Foot Ornament |
Payoja |
5 |
Lotus |
Pehr |
2 |
Phase/ Time Of Day. |
Pernita |
2 |
Answered Prayer |
Phalguni |
7 |
Born In Falgun, A Hindu Month; Arjun,born In Falgun, A Hindu Month |
Philomena |
3 |
Phiroza |
3 |
Turquoise |
Phoolan |
9 |
Flowering |
Phoolwati |
2 |
Delicate As A Flower |
Phyllis |
2 |
Pia |
8 |
Beloved |
Piki |
9 |
Cuckoo |
Pinakini |
2 |
Bow Shaped |
Pinga |
2 |
Goddess Durga |
Pingala |
6 |
Goddess Lakshmi |
Pingla |
5 |
Goddess Durga |
Pinky |
3 |
Pishachi |
1 |
Shrew |
Pithasthana |
9 |
Wife Of Shiva |
Pival |
6 |
A Tree |
Pivari |
3 |
A Wife Of Sukha |
Piyali |
9 |
A Tree |
Plava |
7 |
Pooja |
3 |
Prayer, Worship |
Poonam |
2 |
Merit; Full Moon |
Poorbi |
3 |
Eastern |
Poorna |
7 |
Fully Contented |
Poornakamala |
1 |
A Blooming Lotus |
Poornima |
2 |
Full Moon |
Poorva |
6 |
Earlier One, Elder, East |
Poorvaganga |
9 |
River Narmada |
Poorvaja |
8 |
Elder Sister |
Poorvi |
5 |
A Classical Melody |
Poshika |
7 |
The One Who's Brought Up In Flowers |
Poulomi |
2 |
Indra's Second Wife |
Poushali |
2 |
Of The Month Poush |
Prabha |
1 |
Light, Glow, Shine |
Prabhada |
6 |
Lady |
Prabhati |
3 |
Of The Morning |
Prabhavati |
8 |
A Raagini, Wife Of Sun |
Pracheeta |
5 |
Origin; Starting Point |
Prachi |
1 |
Morning |
Pradeepta |
5 |
Glowing |
Pradnaya |
8 |
Knowledge |
Pradnya |
7 |
Wisdom; Buddhi |
Prafula |
3 |
In Bloom |
Pragalbha |
3 |
Goddess Durga |
Pragati |
9 |
Progress |
Pragnya |
1 |
Scholar. |
Pragya |
5 |
Prowess, Goddess Saraswati |
Pragyaparamita |
3 |
Wise |
Pragyawati |
4 |
A Wise Woman |
Prajakta |
6 |
Fragnant Flower |
Prajna |
6 |
Goddess Saraswati |
Prakalpa |
4 |
Project |
Prakhya |
8 |
Appearance |
Prakriti |
3 |
Nature; Beautiful |
Prakruthi |
5 |
Weather |
Prakruti |
6 |
Nature |
Prakshi |
1 |
Prama |
4 |
Knowledge Of Truth |
Pramada |
9 |
Beautiful Lady |
Pramila |
7 |
One Of Arjuna's Wives |
Pramiti |
5 |
Knowledge Of Truth |
Pramlocha |
6 |
A Mythical Nymph |
Pranali |
8 |
Organisation |
Pranati |
7 |
Pranam; Greeting Elders With Respect |
Pranauthi |
9 |
lamp In Kannada Language |
Pranavi |
9 |
Goddess Parvathi |
Pranaya |
4 |
Leader |
Pranidhi |
7 |
Spy |
Pranita |
7 |
Promoted |
Pranjal |
9 |
Simple,honest And Dignified |
Pranjali |
9 |
Namaste Mudra (gesture) Honest |
Pranvuta |
5 |
Praised |
Prapti |
8 |
Advantage |
Prarthana |
7 |
Prayer |
Prasana |
7 |
Rising |
Prashansa |
7 |
Prasie |
Prashanthi |
6 |
Highest Peace |
Prashanti |
7 |
Complete Peace |
Prasheetha |
2 |
Origin, Starting Point |
Prasheila |
8 |
Ancient Time |
Prateeksha |
5 |
Hope, Waiting |
Prathysha |
8 |
Early Morning, From Sanskrit Word Prathyusham |
Pratibha |
3 |
Splendour Brightness Intelligence |
Pratichi |
3 |
West |
Pratigya |
7 |
Pledge; Vow |
Pratika |
4 |
Symbolic |
Pratima |
6 |
Icon; Idol; Statue |
Pratishtha |
3 |
To Install, Create |
Pratitha |
3 |
Well Known |
Pratiti |
3 |
Faith; Undrstanding,faith |
Pratyusha |
3 |
Early Morning |
Pravalika |
1 |
Pravallika |
4 |
Flower |
Praveena |
1 |
Skilled |
Prayerna |
8 |
Bhakti, Worship |
Prayuta |
3 |
Mingled With |
Prbhavati |
7 |
A Raagini, Wife Of Sun |
Preenithi |
5 |
Preet |
1 |
Love |
Preetha |
1 |
Happy |
Preeti |
1 |
Satisfaction; Happiness |
Preksha |
6 |
Beholding; Viewing |
Prem |
7 |
Love |
Prema |
8 |
Love |
Premala |
3 |
Loving |
Premila |
2 |
Queen Of A Women's Kingdom |
Prerana |
1 |
Encouragement |
Prerna |
9 |
Inspiration |
Preshti |
5 |
Ray Of Light |
Prestha |
6 |
Dearest |
Preyakshana |
2 |
Preyasi |
3 |
Beloved |
Prianka |
7 |
Favourite |
Prina |
4 |
Content |
Prinaka |
7 |
Girl Who Brings Heaven To Earth |
Prisha |
8 |
Beloved; Loving; God's Gift |
Prishita |
1 |
Prita |
1 |
Dear One |
Prital |
4 |
Loved One |
Pritha |
9 |
Kunti; Mother Of Pandavas |
Prithika |
2 |
Flower |
Prithuloma |
7 |
Fish, Pisces -zodiac Sign |
Priti |
9 |
Love |
Pritika |
3 |
Loved One |
Pritikana |
9 |
An Atom Of Love |
Pritilata |
7 |
A Creeper Of Love |
Priya |
6 |
Loved One, Darling |
Priyadarshini |
7 |
Delightful To Look At |
Priyadutta |
9 |
Earth |
Priyakankshi |
7 |
Priyal |
9 |
Beloved |
Priyala |
1 |
One Who Gives Love |
Priyam |
1 |
Beloved |
Priyamvada |
2 |
One Who Speaks With Love |
Priyana |
3 |
Ideal |
Priyanka |
5 |
Beautiful Or Lovable Act, Symbol Or Body |
Priyanvada |
3 |
One Who Speaks Nicely |
Priyasha |
7 |
Dear One |
Promila |
3 |
Prutha |
3 |
Daughter Of Earth |
Puja |
3 |
Prayer, Worship |
Puji |
2 |
Gentle |
Pujita |
5 |
Worshipped |
Pujitha |
4 |
Pujya |
1 |
Respectable |
Pulak |
7 |
A Gem, Smile |
Pulkita |
9 |
Embraced |
Puloma |
6 |
Wife Of The Sage Bhrigu |
Punam |
2 |
Full Moon |
Punarnava |
9 |
A Star |
Punita |
9 |
Pure, Holy |
Punthali |
2 |
A Doll |
Punya |
5 |
Good Work |
Purala |
6 |
Durga; Guardian Of Fortresses |
Purandhri |
1 |
Same As Gayatri |
Purnima |
2 |
Full Moon |
Purva |
6 |
Elder, Breeze |
Purvaja |
8 |
Elder Sister |
Purvi |
5 |
From The East |
Pusha |
2 |
Nourishing |
Pushpa |
9 |
Flower |
Pushpagandha |
8 |
Juhi Flower |
Pushpalata |
7 |
Flower Creeper |
Pushpanjali |
1 |
Flower Offering |
Pushpita |
2 |
Decorated With Flowers |
Pusti |
4 |
Nourishment; Endorsement |
Putana |
1 |
Blowing Hard, Demon |
Putul |
9 |
Doll |
Pyas |
7 |
Thirsty |
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Meaning of Sanskrit girl names
ReplyDelete# Fanika फणिका- hairy fig tree
$ Fanamani फणमणि- 'hood-gem', a jewel in the
hood of a snake. Here फण means hood + मणि
means gem
# Fanija फणिजा- species of plant
$ Falakamana फलकामना- desire of result or
reward. Here फल means reward, consequences +
कामना means desire
# Falakhela फलखेला- a quail
$ Falagrahi फलग्रहि- 'fruit bearing',fruitful. Here फल
means fruit + ग्रहि means one who bears
# Falata फलता- the being fruit, the state of a fruit
$ Falasambhara फलसम्भारा- "having abundance of
fruits".Here फल means fruit + सम्भार means having
# Falasiddhi फलसिद्धि- realising an object, success,
a prosperous issue.It is joining of फल+ सिद्धि
$ Faladayini फलदायिनी - "fruit-giving", giving a
result, yielding fruit. Here फल means fruit +दायिनी
means giver
# Falapushpa फलपुष्पा- St. Thomas Lidpod plant
$ Falapushpi फलपुष्पी- St. Thomas Lidpod plant
# Falaprada फलप्रदा- bringing profit or a reward.
Here फल means profit +प्रदा means giving or
$ Falaprasuti फलप्रसूति- a growth of fruit, crop of
# Falapriyaa फलप्रिया- Chinese Rose Flower plant
$ Falavati फलवती- twig of a particular thorn tree
# Farvi फर्वी- a wanton girl
$ Falakanksha फलाकङ्क्षा/फलाकंक्षा- hope or
expectation of favourable consequences. Here फल
means result +आकङ्क्षा means hope
♥ Falgvi फल्ग्वी-reddish, red, small .It is feminine
form of फल्गु
# Futkriti फुत्कृति- the blowing ofa wind instrument,
blowing, hissing
$ Fumfua फुम्फुआ- imitation of the sound made by
crackling of a fire
$ Falashini फलाशिनी- feeding or living on fruits.
Here फल means fruits + आशिनी/आशिन् means one
who feeds
# Falepsa फलेप्सा- desire of future reward . Here
फल means reward + ईप्सा means desire
# Falakini फलकिनी- a plank
$ Falahi फलही- the cotton tree
♥ Falika फलिका- Indian Tulip tree
♥ Falisha फलीशा- feminine form of Indian tulip
tree [फलीश का स्त्रीलिंग]
# Falita फलिता- a menstruous woman
$ Fena फेना- a kind of shrub सातला
# Fenata फेनता- frothiness, vapour
$ Fenavati फेनवती- frothy, foaming
# Fenila फेनिला- soapnut
$ Falguda फल्गुदा- red, reddish, small.Name of a
♥ Falguni/Phalguni फल्गुनी- Name of a double
lunar mansion(पूर्वा एवं उत्तरा), hairy fig tree
$ Faalguni/ Phaalguni फाल्गुनी- Name of a double
lunar mansion Phalguni (फल्गुनी)
# Fullanalini/Phullanalini फुल्लनलिनी- a lotus plant
in full bloom. Here फुल्ल means flower + नलिनी
means a lotus plant
$ Fullanetraa फुल्लनेत्रा- having eyes dilated (with
joy), smiling, happy. Here फुल्ल means dilated
(with joy) + नेत्र /नेत्रा means eyes
# Fulli/Phulli फुल्लि- expanding, blossoming
$ Fullati फुल्लति- flowering, blossoming
$ Fullatubari फुल्लतुबरी- alum
# Fulladrishti फुल्लदृष्टि-having eyes dilated (with
joy), happy. Here फुल्ल means dilated +दृष्टि means
$ Fullavati फुल्लवती- expanded, blossoming
#Fulla/Phulla फुल्ला- a full blown flower, flowery,
smiling (as a face)
Meaning of Sanskrit girl names
ReplyDelete♥ Pujila/Poojila पूजिला- to be revered or worshipped, venerable , honourable. It is feminine of पूजिल
@ Pujyata पूज्यता- venerableness , honourableness, the being entitled to honour.
■ Pujita/Poojita पूजिता- received or treated respectfully, worshipped ,adored, acknowledged.
It is feminine of पूजित
# Pujavati पूजावती- enjoying honour or distinction
@ Pujani/Poojani पूजनी- worship, a hen-sparrow
▶ Pujika/Poojika पूजिका- honouring ,respecting ,worshipping , a worshipper. It is feminine of पूजक
@ Pesuka पेसुका- spreading , extending. It is derived from word पेसुक
▶ Pesvari पेस्वरी- going, splendid ,destructive. It is
feminine of पेस्वर
# Paingalyi पैङ्गल्यी/पैंगल्यी- brown or tawny coloured. It is feminine of पैङ्गल्य
● Pushabhasa पूषभासा- "sun-splendour " , Name of the capital of Indra. Here पूष means sun + भासा
means splendour
♥ Pusha/Poosha पूषा- Name of the third Kalā (digit) of the moon, increasing, nourish
》Puga/Pooga पूगा- any assemblage or combination or body of persons, mass ,quantity
◀ Puti/Pooti पूति- purity ,purification
◆ Putatmata पूतात्मता- pure-mindedness, condition
of being a saint. Here पूत means pure + आत्मता
means mindedness
@ Puta/Poota पूता- purified, clear ,bright, a species of Dūrvā grass,name of goddess Durgā
● Punana/Punaana पुनाना- being clear or bright or purified, washing off , destroying (sin). It is
derived from word
■ Punita/Puneeta पुनीता- cleaned ,purified
▶ Pushana/Pooshana पूषणा- nourisment, growing
# Prishni पृश्नी- a dappled cow, earth, the starry
$ Prishani पृशनी- tender, gentle
# Prishnika पृश्निका-an aquatic plant [Pistia
$ Prishnigo पृश्नीगो-driving with dappled cows
♥ Prisha पृषा- to sprinkle, to give, weary
# Prishanti पृषन्ति- a drop of water
$ Prishati पृषती- a dappled cow or mare, spotted,
a drop of water, variegated
# prishatta पृषत्ता- speckled, variegated, a drop of
$ Prishakara पृषाकरा- a small stone ued as a
# Payika पायिका- drinking
$ Payana पायना- watering, moistening
# Payasi पायसी- prepared with or made from
milk [ An oblation of milk, rice and sugar
$ Payasiki पायसिकी- fond of boiled milk
# Payini पायिनी-drinking, sipping at
$ Pakshini पक्षिणी- a female bird
Meaning of Sanskrit girl names
ReplyDelete♧ Piyuksha पीयुक्षा- species of tree
☆ Piyushata पीयूषता- condition or quality of
♥ Piyushati पीयूषति- (verb ) become or turn into
# Piyushadhara/Piyushdhara पीयूषधारा- stream of
》Pushkala पुष्कला- much, numerous, copious, rich
abundant, magnificent, full, complete, strong,
powerful, excellent, best, loud, resonant,
purified, bowl of a spoon, purified
♥ Pushkali पुष्कली- much,abundant, rich,
magnificent, complete, powerful, excellent,loud,
resounding, wife of lord Shiva (Name of Goddess
♥ Pushkari पुष्करी- blue lotus-flower, wife of lord
Shiva (a name of goddess Durga), related to
pond, heavenly
☆ Pushkara पुष्करा- the heart, the bowl of a spoon,
the skin of a drum, the tip of an elephant's trunk,
water, the sky, heaven, the blade or the sheath of
a sword, the art of dancing
# Pushkarini पुष्करिणी- assemblage of blue lotuses
# Prikti पृक्ति- touch , contact
@ Prichha पृच्छा-asking ,questioning (acc.) ,
question about (comp.), an inquiry into the future
# Pritsuti पृत्सुति- hostile attack
♥ Pritana पृतना- battle , contest ,strife ,a hostile
armament , army, (in later times esp. a small
army or division consisting of 243 elephants , as
many chariots , 729 horse, and 1215 foot = 3
(pl.) men , mankind
@ Pritanaji/Pritanaaji पृतनाजि rushing to or in
● Pritanajiti पृतनाजिति- victorious in battle
# Pritanyaa पृतन्या- an army
� Pritha पृथा- the flat or palm of the hand, a
partic. measure (the length of the hand from the
tip of the fingers to the knuckles , or = 13
# Prishni पृष्णि- ray of light, heel
@ Prishni पृश्नी-dappled cow, water cabbage
[ Pistia Stratiotes - Bot. ]
# Prishnika पृश्निका- water cabbage [ Pistia
Stratiotes - Bot. ]
� Prikka पृक्का- sicklefruit fenugreek [Trigonella
Corniclata- Bot.]
# Prishniparnika- पृश्निपर्णिका- heart fern or hare
foot Uraria plant [ Hemionitis cordifolia or Uraria
lagopodoides -Bot. ]
# Prithakcheshta पृथक्चेष्टा- different activities
@ Prithakparnika पृथक्पर्णिका- " diverse-leaved "
☆ Prithivi पृथिवी/ पृथिवि- the earth or wide world
( " the broad and extended One " , personified as
[ devī ] and
often invoked together with the sky, the Veda
makes 3 earths , one called [ bhūmi ] ,inhabited
by men , and 2 under it ; there is also an earth
between the world of men and the circumambient
ocean and one extending through the 3 worlds,
land , ground , soil, earth regarded as one of the
# Prithvi पृथ्वी- earth, land
♥ Prithavi पृथवी- earth, soil
● Prithika पृथिका- a centipede
♧ Prithivida पृथिविदा- earth-giving. Here पृथिवी
means earth + दा means giving
☆ Prithivindada पृथिवींददा- "earth-giving " , Name
of a Gandharvī . Here पृथिवीम् means earth + ददा
means giving
▶ Prithivijaya पृथिवीजया- earth-conquering. Here
पृथिवी means earth + जया means conquering
● Prithivinjaya पृथिवींजया- earth-conquering. Here
पृथिवी means earth + जया means conquering
Thanks there,
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