Types of Twins

Types of Twins

  • Identical and Fraternal & More

Identical and fraternal multiples are two of the most commonly known types of twins but they are not the only types of twins.

Quotes, Sayings and Poems about Twins

Quotes, Sayings and Poems about Twins

...So we grew together
Like to a double cherry, seeming parted,
But yet an union in partition,
Two lovely berries moulded on one stem...
~William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
(Note: This isn't actually about twins)

It is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins.  ~Chinese Proverb

My sister and I, you will recollect, were twins, and you know how subtle are the links which bind two souls which are so closely allied.  ~Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Speckled Band

Twice as much to love, two blessings from above.  ~Author Unknown

God touched our hearts so deep inside, our special blessing multiplied.  ~Author Unknown

Life is two-riffic with twins.  ~Author Unknown

Cute Twin Baby Boys, Baby Girls Image Collections

Cute Twin Baby Boys, Baby Girls Image Collections

Cute Twin Baby Boys, Baby Girls Image Collections

Cute Twin Baby Boys, Baby Girls Image Collections2

Cute Twin Baby Boys, Baby Girls Image Collections3

Cute Twin Baby Boys, Baby Girls Image Collections4

Cute Twin Baby Boys, Baby Girls Image Collections5

Indian Hindu Baby Names for Twins Boy-Girl, Brother-Sisters

Indian Hindu Baby Names for Twins Boy-Girl, Brother-Sisters

Indian Hindu Baby Names for Twins Boy-Girl, Brother-Sisters

"Hearts entwined
Twenty fingers, twenty toes, 
two sweet babies with cheeks of rose. 
Born on the same day, two gifts from above, 
Lives entwined, two babies to love."

Indian Hindu Baby Names for Twins Boy-Girl, Brother-Sisters

Aaryan - Shaurya
Abhay - Abhaya
Abhaya - Aabha
Abhinay - Abhinya
Abhir - Abhira
Abish - Abisha
Adarsh - Aadarsha
Ajay - Abha
Akash - Darshan
Akash - Dhara
Akshat - Akshata
Akshay - Akshaya
Akshu - Naina
Alok - Aloki

Indian Hindu Girl Names for Twins or Sisters

Indian Hindu Girl Names for Twins or Sisters

Indian Hindu Girl Names for Twins or Sisters

"Hearts entwined
Twenty fingers, twenty toes, 
two sweet babies with cheeks of rose. 
Born on the same day, two gifts from above, 
Lives entwined, two babies to love."

Indian Hindu Girl Names for Twins or Sisters

Aarya - Shaurya
Achala - Chancala
Akshata - Dakshata
Alekhya - Lekhya
Amala - Kamala
Amala - Vimala
Amani - Pavani
Amitha - Benitha
Amuda - Kumuda
Anita - Sunita
Anjali - Gitanjali

Indian Hindu Boy Names for Twins or Brothers

Indian Hindu Boy Names for Twins or Brothers

Indian Hindu Boy Names for Twins or Brothers

"Hearts entwined
Twenty fingers, twenty toes, 
two sweet babies with cheeks of rose. 
Born on the same day, two gifts from above, 
Lives entwined, two babies to love."

Indian Hindu Boy Names for Twins or Brothers

Aakash - Prakash
Aalok - Alek
Abhas - Abhav
Abhay - Nirbhay
Abhayankar - Shankar
Abhijit - Abhijeet
Abhilash - Abhilesh
Abhiroop - Abhishek
Abhya - Ajay
Acharya - Athreya
Achyut - Archit

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter Y

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter Y

Names Meaning
Yadavas The descendants of Yadu, who lived near the Yamuna river.
Yadu A prince of the Chandra vansh. His descendants are called Yadavas. The epic Mahabharata and Puranas refer to Yadu as the eldest son of mythological King Yayati.
Yaduvamsi Those of the clan of Yadu.
Yajna A Vedic ritual or sacrifice performed to please the Gods or sometimes to the Supreme Spirit Brahman. Often it involves a fire, which represents the god Agni, in the centre of the stage and items are offered into the fire.
Yaka Yaksha or Yakkha is the name of a broad class of nature-spirits or minor deities who appear in Hindu mythology. The feminine form of the word is yaki or yaki.
Yama Yama, also known as Yamaraja is the lord of death. God of dharma, whose son was Yudhishthira.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter V

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter V

Names Meaning
Vaisampayana A celebrated sage who was the original teacher of the Yajur-Veda. He was a pupil of the great Vyasa, from whom he learned Mahabharata, which he afterwards recited to King Janamejaya.
Vaishnava The followers of Vaishnavism are referred to as Vaishnava.
Vaishravan Elder brother of Ravana to whom Rama returned Pushpaka after the death of Ravana.
Vaishya One of the four classification in Hindu tradition as per their occupation which comprises of merchants, artisans, and landowners.
Vaivasvata Manu Vaivasvata Manu (also Manu Vaivasvate) is one of the 14 Manus. He was born to Saranya and Vivasvat and was the King of Dravida during the epoch of the Matsya Purana. He was the founder of the Suryavansha race of Kings.
Vajrahanu One of Ravana's generals.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter A

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter A

Names Meaning
Abhimanyu Arjuna's son with Subhadra who married Uttara, daughter of King Virata.
Acharya Guru or Teacher.
Achuta Another name os Sri Krishna meaning imperishable.
Adhiratha Karna's foster-father.
Adi Shankara The first Hindu philosopher who consolidated the principles of the Advaita Vedanta.
Aditi A goddess of the sky, consciousness, the past, the future and fertility.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter U

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter U

Names Meaning
Uchchaihsravas Uchchaihsravas was the white horse of Indra, produced at the churning of the ocean. It is fed on ambrosia, and is held to be the King of horses.
Udayana Udayana was a prince of the Lunar race, and son of Sahasranika. He was King of Vatsa, and is commonly called Vatsaraja. His capital was Kausambi. Also a name of Agastya.
Uddalaka A great sage and teacher of Vedanta.
Uddhava The friend and counselor of Krishna. According to some he was Krishna's cousin, being son of Devabhaga, the brother of Vasudeva. He was also called Pavanayadhi.
Ugrasena one-time King of Yadavas; deposed by his son Kamsa. His wife was Pavanrekha. Krishna killed Kamsa and established Ugrasena on throne.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter T

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter T

Names Meaning
Tall One of Ravana's counsellors.
Tandava Siva's cosmic dance.
Tantripala Assumed name of Sahadeva at Virata's court.
Tilottama was an Apsaras. She is reputed to have been created by Vishwakarma from Tila seeds. She was responsible for bringing out the mutual destruction of the Asuras Sunda and Upasunda.
Tara Mahadevi, Kali, or Parvati. Tara is also the name of Vali's queen.
Taragam Taragam is the name of forest, where dwelt ten thousand heretical rishis, who taught that the universe is eternal, that souls have no lord and that performance of works alone suffices for the attainment of salvation. Shiva taught them lesson and they became his followers. This legend is associated with Shiva's dance.
Taraka A demon slain by Kumara, the first son of Shiva.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter S

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter S

Names Meaning
Sadhana Spiritual exercise by a Sadhu or a Sadhaka to attain moksha, which is liberation from the cycle of birth and death (Samsara), or a particular goal such as blessing from a deity.
Sagara King Sagar is one of the greatest Kings of Suryavansha in the Satya Yuga. He was King of Ayodhya, ancestor to King Dasharatha. He had two wives Keshini and Sumati. Asamanja was his son from Keshini.
Sahadéva Youngest of the Pandava princes who offered the first honors to Krishna at the Rajasuya sacrifices.
Saibya A ruler friendly to the Pandavas.
Saindhava Jayadratha.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter R

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter R

Names Meaning
Radha Radha is one of the gopis (cow-herding girls) of the forest of Vrindavan, Krishna plays with her during his upbringing as a young boy. The other Radha is the wife of the charioteer Adhiratha, who found an abandoned new-born boy, whom he named Karna.
Radheya Son of Radha, a name of Karna, who as a foundling was brought up as a son by Radha, the wife of the Charioteer Adhiratha.
Rahu Rahu is a snake that swallows the sun or the moon causing eclipses. Rahu is one of the navagrahas.
Raibhya A sage whose hermitage was situated on the banks of the Ganga, near Rishikesh, a place, which gets its name, from Lord Vishnu appearing to him as Hrishikesh. The Pandavas during their wanderings visited it. This place is very holy. Bharata, son of Dasaratha bathed here. Indra was cleansed of his sin of killing Vritra unfairly by bathing in this ghat. Sanatkumar became one with God. Aditi, mother of the gods, prayed here to be blessed with a son.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter P

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter P

Names Meaning
Palasa A tree, also called the "flame of the forest".
Panchajanya Name of Krishna's conch.
Panchala Panchala corresponds to the geographical area between the Ganges River and Yamuna River around the city of Kanpur and Benares. Anciently, it was home to an Indian Kingdom, the Panchalas, one of the Mahajanapadas.
Panchali Another name of Draupadi, Queen of the Pandavas and daughter of King Drupada.
Panchalya A son of King Drupada who died in the war.
Panchvati The place beside the river Godavari where Rama, Sita and Laxmana stayed in exile.
Pandavas Pandavas are the five acknowledged sons of Pandu, by his two wives Kunti and Madri. They are Yudhishtira, Bhima, Arjuna and Nakula , Sahadeva.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter N

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter N

Names Meaning
Nachiketa Nachiketa was son of a cowherd, Vajashrava, who was offered to Yama to find a place in Heaven by his father. Nachiketa with his wits learnt the wisdom taught by Yama. Thus having learnt from Yama, and finding Brahman, Nachiketa was freed from death.
Naga Naga is the Sanskrit and Pali word for a minor deity taking the form of a very large snake, found in Hindu mythology.
Nagas Nagas existed during the period of the epic Mahabharata. The demi-god tribe called Suparnas (in which Garuda belonged) were arch-rivals of the Nagas. The well known Nagas are Ananta, Vasuki, Takshaka, Karkotaka and Pingala.
Nagavanshi Nagavanshi dynasty is one of the Kshatriya dynasties of India . It includes a number of Jats and Rajput clans. The worshippers of Naga (serpent) were known as Naga or Nagil. The descendants of Nagas were called Nagavanshi.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter M

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter M

Names Meaning
Madhava One of the names of Krishna. It means the Lord of Lakshmi.
Madhu The name of Kingdom of Shatrughna.
Madhusudana Another name of Krishna, the slayer of the asura Madhu.
Mahadeva Another name of Shiva.
Mahaparshwa One of Ravana's generals.
Maharaksha Son of Khara slain at Lanka.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter L

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter L

Names Meaning
Lakshagrah The house of lac, The palace made out of lac at Benares where Pandavas along with Kunti were kept with a sense of banishment.
Lakshmana Younger stepbrother of Rama and son of Sumitra and King Dasaratha. Duryodhana's gallant young son also bore this name.
Lakshmi Goddess of prosperity, wealth and good fortune. She is the consort of Vishnu.
Lakshmindara Son of Chand Sadagar who weds Behula. He was slain by Kal-nagini but restored to life by Mansa.
Lanka An island city, generally identified with Ceylon , the home of Ravana.
Lava Kusa and Lava were sons of Rama and Sita.
Lomasa A brahmana sage who advised the Pandavas when they where in forest. He told them that those unable to bear the hardships of exile were free to go to the court of Dhritarashtra or Drupada, King of Panchala. He accompanied Yudhishthira on his wanderings.
Lopamudra Daughter of the King of Vidarbha who married sage Agastya.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter K

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter K

Names Meaning
Kacha Grandson of sage Angiras and son of Brihaspati, who studied under Sukracharya as a brahmacharin. Devayani, the tutor's lovely daughter, fell in love with him. The Asuras (demons) suspecting him of wanting to steal the secret of reviving the dead, killed him a number of times. But due to Devayani's love for him, her father brought him back to life every time he was killed. Ultimately devas learnt the secret defeating the asuras.
Kagola A disciple of the great sage and teacher of Vedanta, Uddalaka.
Kaikeyi She was the youngest of King Dasaratha's three wives and a queen of Ayodhya. She was the mother of Bharata.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter J

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter J

Names Meaning
Jalasura A demon killed by Bhima.
Jambavan He was the King of the Himalayas who had incarnated as a bear in order to serve Lord Rama. He is also considered as the King of bears and first son of Brahma, before humans were created. Jambavan was present when the churning of the ocean took place and was supposed to have circled the world seven times.
Janaka King of Mithila, father of Sita devi who was wife of Lord Rama.
Janamejaya A King who conducted a great sacrifice for the well being of the human race.
Janardana A name of Lord Krishna.
Japa A spiritual discipline in which a devotee repeats a mantra or the name of God.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter I

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter I

Names Meaning
Ikshvaku Ikshvaku was the first King and founder of the Surya Vansha. He was the son of Manu (the first man on earth), sired by the Sun God, Surya. Rama, of the epic Ramayana is a descendant of the house of Ikshvaku.
Ilvala Ilvala and Vatapi were asuras, the rulers of Badami.
Indra King of the Gods. The chief deity of the Rigveda, the god of weather and war and the Lord of Heaven in Hinduism.
Indrajit Son of Ravana, King of Lanka, who conquered Indra, the Lord of Gods and who was killed by Rama's brother Lakshmana.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter H

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter H

Names Meaning
Halayudha Plough-weaponed, an epithet of Balarama who wielded a plough as his weapon.
Hanuman Son of Vayu and Anjana. Devotee of Sri Rama, who possessed extraordinary powers.
Hari Hari is another name of Lord Vishnu.
Harivamsa Harivamsa is an important work of Sanskrit literature. It is a kind of appendix to the Mahabharata, has 16,375 verses and focuses specifically on the life of Lord Krishna.
Hastinapura Hastinapura is the capital and the Kingdom of the Kauravas, the descendants of Kuru, which include the Pandavas. The throne of this city is the prize over which the great war of Mahabharata was fought.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter G

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter G

Names Meaning
Gadiva Arjuna's most potent bow.
Gajasura Gajasura (elephant demon) is the name used to refer to demon Nila when he took the form of an elephant and attacked Shiva. He was destroyed by Ganapati.
Ganapati Lord of the territory, The fulfiller of desire, the god of merchants, Son of Shiva and Parvati.
Gandhari Dhritarashtra's wife and queen mother of the Kaurava.
Gandharva A class of celestial beings regarded as specialists in music.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter E

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter E

Names Meaning
Ekachakra City where the Pandavas lived with their mother, Kunti, when they were exiled to the forest after escaping from the burning of house of lac.
Ekalavya He was a young prince of the Nishadha tribes. He wished to study under Dronacharya. Drona, however, rejects Ekalavya on account of the prince's humble origins. Thus he embarks upon a program of self-study in the presence of a clay image of Drona and achieves a level of skill equal to that of Arjuna.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter D

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter D

Names Meaning
Dadhichi Dadhichi was a Vedic King, son of Atharvan, who turned a great Rishi. Dadhicha gave his bones to destroy Vritra, a brahmin, who became the head of the Asuras.
Daityas Daityas were the children of Diti and the sage Kashyapa. They were a race of giants who fought against the gods.
Daksha The skilled one, is an ancient creator god, one of the Prajapatis. Son of Aditi and Brahma.
Dakshayani Dakshayani is the Goddess of marital felicity and longevity. An aspect of Devi, Dakshayani is the consort of Shiva. Other names for Dakshayani include Gauri, Uma, Sati, Aparna, Lalitha, Sivakamini.
Damayanti She is the wife of Nala whose story is told in the Mahabharata.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter C

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter C

Names Meaning
Chakra An energy node in the human body. Wheel.
Chala A Kaurava warrior.
Champa A city on banks of Ganges river where Karna found as a baby by Adhiratha and Radha. They adopted him.
Chandraketu A devotee of Manasa.
Charachitra A son of King Dhritarashtra who perished in the war. Kaurava.
Chedi Kingdom of Shishupala, old name of present Chanderi.

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter B

Ancient Names, Vedic Names, Mythological Names in the letter B

Names Meaning
Babhruvahana Son of Arjuna from his wife Chitrangada.
Bahu A King of the Suryavansh.
Bahuka The changed name of Nala, as a charioteer of Rituparna, the King of Ayodhya. Another name of King Bahu.
Baladeva Balarama, elder brother of Sri Krishna.
Balarama Elder brother of Lord Krishna.

Celebrity baby girl names

Celebrity baby girl names

Here are the most famous celebrities baby girl names. Surf and Enjoy!!!


Baby name(s) Parents
Abbey Ray Patrick Fabian & Mandy Steckelberg
Adalynn Rose (& twin brother Noah James) Chris & Deanna Daughtry
Adalaide Marie Hope Katherine Heigl & Josh Kelley
Adelaide Rose Rachel Griffiths & Andrew Taylor
Adeline Simon Helberg & Jocelyn Towne
Alabama Gypsy Rose Drea de Matteo & Shooter Jennings
Alabama Louella Shanna Moakler & Travis Barker
Alexis Faith (& five other sextuplets) Kate & Jon Gosselin
Alice Rigney Patton & Michelle Oswalt
Alice Zenobia Tina Fey & Jeff Richmond
Alizeh Keshvar Geena Davis & Reza Jarrahy
Alondra Cecilia Lopez Chris & Anel Gorham
Anbilliene Dominic Zamprogna & Linda Leslie
Angel Iris Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown & Eddie Murphy
Anja Jasmine Andrew Firestone & Ivana Bozilovic
Anja Louise Alessandra Ambrosio & Jamie Mazur
Anniston Kae Chyler Leigh & Nathan West
Aoife Belle Una Healy & Ben Foden
Apple Blythe Alison Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin
Arabella Rose Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner
Arlo Johnny Knoxville & Naomi Nelson
Auden Noah & Tracey Wyle
Audrey Caroline Faith Hill & Tim McGraw
August Luce Oscar Nunez & Ursula Whittaker
Ava Jason & Naomi Priestley
Ava Reese Witherspoon & Ryan Phillipe
Ava Eliot Hugh Jackman & Deborra-Lee Furness
Ava Frances Eli & Abby Manning
Ava Grace Melissa Rycroft & Ty Strickland
Ava Jaymes A.J. McLean & Rochelle Deanna Karidis
Ava Katherine James & Amy Otto
Aven Angelica Matthew Settle & Naama Nativ
Avery Grace Angie Harmon & Jason Sehorn
Aviana Olea Amy Adams & Darren Legallo
Bandit Lee Gerard Way & Lyn-Z
Bardot Vita David Boreanaz & Jaime Bergman
Beatrice Rich & Virginia Sommer
Beatrice Jean Bryce Dallas Howard & Seth Gabel
Beatrix Carlin Jodie Sweetin & Morty Coyle
Belen Elysabeth Ricardo Chavira & Marcea Dietzel
Bella Mark Ruffalo & Sunrise Coigney
Billie Beatrice Eric Dane & Rebecca Gayheart
Billie Grace John C. & Nichole McGinley
Birdie Leigh Busy Phillips & Marc Silverstein
Blakesley Grace Ryan Sutter & Trista Sutter
Blue Ivy Beyoncé & Jay-Z
Bluebell Madonna Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell
Breeze Beretta Levi Johnston & Sunny Oglesby
Brianna Trace & Rhonda Adkins
Brit Madison David & Susan Chokachi
Bryn Bethenny Frankel & Jason Hoppy
Cara Nicole (& twin Madelyn Kate) Kate & Jon Gosselin
Carys Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas
Cecelia Delphine David Walton & Majandra Delfino
Chaplin Haddow Ever Carradine & Coby Brown
Charlene Riva (& twin sister Myla Rose) Roger & Mirka Vavrinec Federer
Charlie Tamara Tulip (& twin sister Dolly Rebecca Rose) Rebecca Romijn & Jerry O'Connell
Charlotte Grace Jen Schefft & Joe Waterma
Charlotte Grace Sarah Michelle Geller & Freddie Prinze Jr.
Charlotte Rose Dylan McDermott & Shiva Rose
Charlotte Sofia Jennifer Aspen & David O'Donnell
Charlotte Tucker Amy Brenneman & Brad Silberling
Cheyenne Genevieve Chris Robinson & Allison Bridges
Ciel Taylor Niki Taylor & Burney Lamar
Clementine Jane Ethan Hawke & Ryan Shawhughes
Clementine Claudia Schiffer & Matthew Vaughn
Clover Clementyne Barry Watson & Natasha Gregson Wagner
Clover Elizabeth Neal & Ruvé McDonough
Coco Reese Lakshmi Tony Kanal & Erin Lokitz
Coco Riley Courteney Cox & David Arquette
Coco Trinity (& twin sister Sawyer Lucia) Diane Farr & Seung Chung
Colette Dylan McDermott & Shiva Rose
Colette Zoe Constance Zimmer & Russ Lamoureaux
Cosima Violet Claudia Schiffer & Matthew Vaughn
Daisy Boo Pamela Jamie Oliver & Juliette Norton
Daisy True Meg Ryan
Dakota Rosie O'Donnell & Michelle Rounds
Delilah Kimberly Stewart & Benicio Del Toro
Denni Montana Woody Harrelson & Laura Louie
Deva Monica Bellucci & Vincent Cassel
Dixie Pearl Caleb Followill & Lily Aldridge
Dolly Rebecca Rose (& twin sister Charlie Tamara Tulip) Rebecca Romijn & Jerry O'Connell
Dylan River Joe & Heather Nichols
Eden (& twin sister Savannah) Marcia Cross & Tom Mahoney
Egypt Paris Bennett
Elise Piers Morgan & Celia Walden
Eliza Caterina Scorsone & Rob Giles
Elizabeth Tim & Jane Allen
Ella Ben Stiller & Christine Taylor
Ella Betsi Ioan Gruffudd & Alice Evans
Ella Bleu John Travolta & Kelly Preston
Ella-Grace Margaret Justin Trudeau & Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau
Ella Rae Mark Whalberg & Rhea Durham
Elliotte Anne Marla Sokoloff & Alec Puro
Embry Lotus Richard & Jazmin Blais
Emerson Rose Teri Hatcher & John Tenney
Emery Hope Angie Harmon & Jason Sehorn
Emily Grace Paul & Erin Stanley
Emme Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony
Estela Ines Ali Landry & Alejandro Gomez Monteverde
Etta Jones Carson Daly & Siri Pinter
Eva Ruth (& twin sister Kathleen Emilie) Martie & Gareth Maguire
Evalyn Day Dierks & Cassidy Bentley
Evan Jane Jon & Kirsten Heder
Eve Augusta Jessica Capshaw & Christopher Gavigan
Ever Gabo Milla Jovovich & Paul W.S. Anderson
Everleigh Ray Cam Gigandet & Dominique Geisendorff
Faith Margaret Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban
Faith Evangeline Elisa Kelsey & Kayte Grammer
Felicity-Amore Keisha Caste-Hughes & Bradley Hull
Finley Faith Angie Harmon & Jason Sehorn
Finley (& twin sister Harper) Lisa Marie Presley & Michael Lockwood
Finley Rae Martineau Daniel & Joanne Baldwin
Fiona Diego Luna & Camila Sodi
Fiona Eve Jennie Garth & Peter Facinelli
Fiona Hepler Chad & Kim Lowe
Fiona Leigh (& twin brother James Timothy) Danny & Bridget Pudi
Frances Pen Amanda Peet & David Benioff
Francesca Christine Amy Jo Johnson & Olivier Giner
Francesca Nora Jason Bateman & Amanda Anka
Genesis Viola Davis & Julian Tennon
Georgia Geraldine Eric Dane & Rebecca Gayheart
Georgia Gracie Amy Ryan & Eric Slovin
Gia Francesca Mario Lopez & Courtney Mazza
Gia Zavala Matt Damon & Luciana
Gisele Jeri Ryan & Christophe Eme
Gloria Ray Maggie Gyllenhaal & Peter Sarsgaard
Goldie Priya Ione Skye & Ben Lee
Grace Christy Turlington & Ed Burns
Grace Elisabeth & Tim Hasselbeck
Grace Anne (& twin sister Stella Busina) Dave & Ashley Matthews
Grace Avery Kevin Costner & Christine Baumgartner
Grace Margaret Mark Wahlberg & Rhea Durham
Gracie Katherine Faith Hill & Tim McGraw
Gray Audrey Jenna von Oy & Brad Bratcher
Grier Hammond Brooke Shields & Chris Henchy
Gytta Lubov Vera Farmiga & Renn Hawkey
Halycon Juna Beth Littleford & Rob Fox
Hannah Joy (& five other sextuplets) Kate & Jon Gosselin
Hannah Kathryn Bill Hader & Maggie Carey
Harlow Winter Kate Nicole Richie & Joel Madden
Harper Bill Hader & Maggie Carey
Harper David Spade & Jillian Grace
Harper (& twin sister Finley) Lisa Marie Presley & Michael Lockwood
Harper Grace (& twin brother Gideon Scott) Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka
Harper Moon Margaret Eddie Vedder & Jill McCormick
Harper Renn Tiffani Thiessen & Brady Smith
Harper Rosie Martie & Gareth Maguire
Harper Seven David & Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham
Harper Willow Dave Grohl & Jordyn Blum
Hartley Grace (& twin brother Lydon Edward) Mark McGrath & Carin Kingsland
Hattie Margaret Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott
Haven Garner Jessica Alba & Cash Warren
Hazel Patricia (& twin brother Phinnaeus Walter) Julia Roberts & Danny Moder
Heaven Rain Brooke Burke & David Charvet
Helena Grace Kelly Rutherford & Daniel Giersch
Hillary Madison Samantha Harris & Michael Hess
Honor Marie Jessica Alba & Cash Warren
Indi Joon Moran Alborzi Josie Maran & Ali Alborzi
India Ann Sushil Sarah McLachlan & Ashwin Sood
India Pearl Georgina Chapman & Harvey Weinstein
India Rose Chris Hemsworth & Elsa Pataky
Indiana Ethan & Ryan Hawke
Isabel Ruby Angela Kinsey & Warren Lieberstein
Isabella Matt Damon & Luciana Barroso
Isabella Claire Drew & Lea Lachey
Isabetta Rose Rob & Amber Mariano
Jada Elly Kim Clijsters & Brian Lynch
Jade Marie Giada De Laurentiis & Todd Thompson
Jagger Joseph Blue Soleil Moon Frye & Jason Goldberg
Jasmine Nigel Barker & Cristen Chin
Java Kumala Josh Holloway & Yessica Kumala
Joni Mason Zac & Shelly Brown
Jordan Kay Kevin Federline & Victoria Prince
Jordan Zoey Jeremy Licht & Kimberly Wallis
Jordyn-Grace Makiya Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar
Joscelyn Skye AJ Langer & Lord Charles Courtenay
Josie Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar
Josselyn Sydney Samantha Harris & Michael Hess
Jude Alexis Stewart
Julianna Tex (& twin brother Henry Benjamin) Emily & Charlie Robison
Julitta Dee (& twin brother Hudson) Marcia Gay Harden & Thaddaeus Scheel
Kadence Clover Tony & Lhotse Hawk
Kate Aleena John C. & Nichole McGinley
Kate Victoria Brooke Anderson & Jim Walker
Kathleen Emilie (& twin sister Eva Ruth) Martie & Gareth Maguire
Kaya Emory Lindsay Davenport & Jonathan Leach
Keeva Jane Alyson Hannigan & Alexis Denisof
Kennedy Faye Justin & Kate Moore
Kira Katherine Joey & Barrett McIntyre
Kline Olivia Diaz Kasey & Mike Eli
Krishna Thea Padma Lakshmi
Lauryn Anabelle J. R. Martinez & Diana Gonzalez-Jones
Leah Hope (& five other sextuplets) Kate & Jon Gosselin
Leni Heidi Klum
Léonie Monica Bellucci & Vincent Cassel
Libertad Gael García Bernal & Dolores Fonzi
Liberty Grace Joey & Chandi Lawrence
Lilah Grace Erinn & Jack Hayes
Lilah-Rose Linda Cardellini & Steve Rodriguez
Lillian McCormack Mary McCormack & Michael Morris
Lily Aster Gilbert & Dara Gottfried
Lily-Rose Melody Johnny Depp & Vanessa Paradis
Locklyn Kyla Vince Vaughn & Kyla Weber
Lola Denise Richards & Charlie Sheen
Lola Grace Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuelos
Lola Ray Jennie Garth & Peter Facinelli
Lola Simone Chris Rock & Malaak Compton- Rock
London Brooke White & Dave Ray
Lou Sulola Heidi Klum & Seal
Louisanna Ray LeeLee Sobieski & Adam Kimmel
Lourdes Madonna & Carlos Leon
Luca Bella Jennie Garth & Peter Facinelli
Lucia Mel Gibson & Oksana Grigorieva
Lucia Mira Sorvino & Christopher Backus
Lucia Rose Boston Rob & Amber Mariono
Luciana Bella Carnie Wilson & Rob Bonfiglio
Lucie Wren Lynda Lopez & Adam Goldfried
Lukensia Jillian Michaels & Heidi Rhoades
Luna Constance Marie & Kent Katich
Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalune Florence ("Luna") Uma Thurman & Arpad Busson
Lyra Sophie Dahl & Jamie Cullum
Mabel Painter Chad Lowe & Kim Painter
Mabel Ray Bruce Willis & Emma Heming-Willis
Mackenzie Lynn Trace & Rhonda Adkins
Mackynzie Renee Joshua & Anna Duggar
Maddie Briann Jamie Lynn Spears & Casey Aldridge
Madelyn Kate (& twin Cara Nicole) Kate & Jon Gosselin
Madison Melanie Brown & Stephen Belafonte
Madison Rose Maxine Bahns & Patrick Watson
Madilyn Grace Ne-Yo & Monyetta Shaw
Mae Elizabeth Jen Schefft & Joe Waterman
Maggie Elizabeth Faith Hill & Tim McGraw
Maggie Rose Jon Stewart & Tracy McShaneizes
Magnolia Renée Adrian & Nina Young
Makani Ravello Woody Harrelson & Laura Louie
Makena'lei Gordon Helen Hunt & Matthew Carnahan
Malin James Denton & Erin O'Brien
Maple Sylvie Jason Bateman & Amanda Anka
Maria Adela Penelope Ann Miller & James Huggins
Marina Matt & Melissa LeBlanc
Marion Loretta Elwell (& twin sister Tabitha Hodge) Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick
Marlowe Sienna Miller & Tom Sturridge
Mars Merkaba Erykah Badu & Jay Electronica
Mason Olivia Kelsey Grammer & Camille Donatecci
Matilda Rose Heath Ledger & Michelle Williams
Maxwell Drew Jessica Simpson & Eric Johnson
Maxwell Lue Lindsay Sloane & Dar Rollins
Meadow Rain Paul Walker
Megan Hope Alison Sweeney & Dave Sanov
Melody Rain Layla Kayleigh & Steven Covino
Merrin Elizabeth Joy Bo & Caroline Bice
Mia Kate Winslet & Sam Mendes
Mia Loren Ian & Erin Ziering
Mirabella Bunny Bryan Adams & Alicia Grimaldi
Miranda Scarlett Rob Schneider & Patricia Azarcoya Arce
Molly June Amanda Peet & David Benioff
Monroe (& twin brother Moroccan Scott) Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon
Mosley Thompson (& twin brother Marshall Williams) Peyton & Ashley Manning
Moxie Crimefighter Penn & Emily Jillette
Myla Rose(& twin sister Charlene Riva) Roger & Mirka Vavrinec Federer
Nahla Ariela Halle Berry & Gabriel Aubry
Naleigh Katherine Heigl & Josh Kelley
Natalia (& twin brother Sonny) Adam Carolla & Lynette Paradise
Nelly May Lois Fatboy Slim & Zoe Ball
Neve Conan & Liza O'Brien
Nevis Nelly Furtado & Jasper Gahunia
Nicole Elizabeth Nancy Kerrigan & Jerry Solomon
Nicoletta Veronica Mike Piazza & Alicia Rickter
Odette Mark Ruffalo & Sunrise Coigney
Olive Drew Barrymore & Will Kopelman
Olive Isla Fisher & Sacha Baron Cohen
Olivia James & Kimberly Van Der Beek
Olivia Eddie Vedder & Jill McCormick
Olivia Michael Weatherly & Bojana Jankovic
Olivia Lou (& twin brother Lucas Claude) Wanda & Alex Sykes
Olivia Jane Colin Hanks & Samantha Bryant
Olivia Marie Lance Armstrong & Anna Hansen
Owen Michelle Branch & Teddy Landau
Paloma Louise Ana Ortiz & Noah Lebenzon
Paulina Sophia Mike Piazza & Alicia Rickter
Pearl Bailey Maya Rudolph & Paul Thomas Anderson
Pearl Clementine Jack Osbourne & Lisa Stelly
Penelope Anne Taylor & Natalie Hanson
Penelope Athena Tina Fey & Jeffrey Richmond
Penelope Scotland Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick
Pepper Moon Bloodgood & Grady Hall
Petal Blossom Rainbow Jamie Oliver & Juliette Norton
Peyton Nicole Kenneth Edmonds ("Babyface") & Nicole Pattenburg
Phoebe Sylvia Rachel Jim & Cora True-Frost
Piper Bee-Jones Samantha Bee & Jason Jones
Poet Sienna Rose Soleil Moon Frye & Jason Goldberg
Poppy Honey Rosie Jamie Oliver & Juliette Norton
Poppy James Jessica Capshaw & Christopher Gavigan
Puma Erykah Badu
Pyper Candice & Jurji Olson
Raden Delilah Ashton Shepherd & Cunningham
Rain India Nichols & Taron Lexton
Ramona Maggie Gyllenhaal & Peter Sarsgaard
Reign Timbaland & Monique Idlett
Reiley Dilys Stella Stella McCartney & Alasdhair Willis
Rhiannon Elizabeth Robert Rodriguez & Elizabeth Avellan
Romy Hero Aaron Johnson and fiancée Sam Taylor-Wood
Rowan Francis Brooke Shields & Chris Henchy
Ruby Jeanne Marley Shelton & Beau Flynn
Ruby Megan Charlotte Church & Gavin Henson
Ruby Rey Rachel Reynolds & David Dellucci
Ruby Sweetheart Tobey Maguire & Jen Meyer
Rumer Bruce Willis & Demi Moore
Sadie Adam & Jackie Titone Sandler
Sadie Grace Christina Applegate & Martyn LeNoble
Sage Ann (& twin brother Kellan Clay) Kyra Phillips & John Roberts
Sage Florence Toni Collette & Dave Galafassi
Sailor Lee Christie Brinkley & Peter Cook
Sam Denise Richards & Charlie Sheen
Sam Alexis Tiger Woods & Elin Nordegren
Sarah Brianna Paul & Erin Stanley
Sascha Jerry & Jessica Seinfeld
Satine Anais Geraldine Jacinda Barrett & Gabriel Macht
Satyana Alyson Hannigan & Alexis Denisof
Savannah (& twin sister Eden) Marcia Cross & Tom Mahoney
Sawyer Lucia (& twin sister Coco Trinity) Diane Farr & Seung Chungf
Scarlet Melanie Chisolm & Thomas Starr
Scarlet Haven Stacey Bendet & Eric Eisner
Scout Bruce Willis & Demi Moore
Sebella Rose Roselyn Sánchez & Eric Winter
Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck
Shiloh Nouvel Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
Sienna Marie Tamyra Gray & Sam Watters
Skylar Joely Fisher & Christopher Duddy
Sofia Bella Leah Remini & Angelo Pagan
Sophia Eva Pietra Christopher & Sherman Meloni
Sophia Rosalinda Benjamin Bratt & Talisa Soto
Stella Busina (& twin sister Grace Anne) Dave & Ashley Matthews
Stella Doreen Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott
Stella Jean Bree Turner & Justin Saliman
Stella Luna Ellen Pompeo & Chris Ivery
Stella Monroe Gena Lee Nolin & Cale Hulse
Stella Shannon Molly Shannon & Fritz Chestnut
Stella Zavala Matt Damon & Luciana
Sunday Rose Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban
Sunny Bebop Michael "Flea" Balzary & Frankie Rayder
Suri Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes
Sydney Laila Ali & Curtis Conway
Taa-Jah Summer Sarah McLachlan & Ashwin Sood
Tabitha Hodge (& twin sister Marion Loretta Elwell) Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick
Taelyn Leigh Chyler Leigh & Nathan West
Talia Serafina Erica Cerra & Raffaele Fiore
Talluhlah Philip Seymour Hoffman & Mimi O'Donnell
Tallulah Bruce Willis & Demi Moore
Tallulah Fyfe Patrick & Jillian Dempsey
Tatum Ella Nikki Ziering & Rick Reynolds
Trinity Lee Trace & Rhonda Adkins
True Harlow Joely Fisher & Christopher Duddy
Tu Simone Morrow Rob Morrow & Debbon Ayer
Valentina Adriana Lima & Marco Jaric
Valentina Paloma Salma Hayek & Francois-Henri Pinault
Vera Lillian Beatrix Vern Yip
Verve Shawnee Smith & Kai Mattoon
Vida Matthew McConaughey & Camila Alves
Violet Anne Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck
Violet Isabel Emily Robison & Martin Strayer
Violet Marlowe Nathan Followill & Jessie Baylin
Violet Maye Dave & Jennifer Grohl
Violet Nash Christina Milian & The-Dream
Virginia Andrea Bocelli & Veronica Berti
Vita Bret & Hannah McKenzie
Vivian Lake Gisele Bundchen & Tom Brady
Vivienne Marcheline Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
West Marley Shelton & Beau Flynn
Wilhelmina Jane Natalie & Taylor Hanson
Willow Camille Reign Will Smith & Jada Pinkett-Smith
Willow Katherine Michelle Monaghan & Peter White
Willow Lenora Alicia Minshew & Richie Herschenfeld
Willow Sage Pink & Carey Hart
Winter Morgan Gretchen Mol & Tod "Kip" Williams
Winter Victoria Sean Parker & Alexandra Lenas
Wylda Rae Aaron Johnson & Sam Taylor-Wood
Yardley Evans Megyn Kelly & Doug Brunt
Zahara Marley Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
Zahra Savannah Chris Rock & Malaak Compton- Rock
Zoe Giordano Woody Harrelson & Laura Louie
Zoe Grace (& twin brother Thomas Boone) Dennis & Kimberly Quaid
Zoie Jodie Sweetin & Cody Herpin
Zuzu Audrey Tania & Phil Peterson
Zuzu Audrey Tania & Phil Peterson

Celebrity baby boy names

Celebrity baby boy names

Here are the most famous celebrities baby boy names. Surf and Enjoy!!!


Baby name(s) Parents
Aaden Jonathan (& five other sextuplets) Kate & Jon Gosselin
Abel James Amy Poehler & Will Arnett
Aden John Tamera Mowry-Housley & Adam Housley
Abraham Selassie Robert Nesta Ziggy & Orly Agai Marley
Adrian Driton Tony Dovolani & Lina
Aiden Rod & Penny Lancaster Stewart
Akiva Anne Dudek & Matthew Heller
Aleph Natalie Portman & Benjamin Millepied
Alexander Pete "Sasha" Naomi Watts & Liev Schrieber
Anderson Edie Falco
Andrew James McAvoy & Anne-Marie Duff
Antonio Kamakanaalohamaikalani Harvey Antonio Sabàto, Jr. & Cheryl Moana Marie
Archibald (Archie) Emerson Amy Poehler & Will Arnett
Arlo Robert Toni Collette & David Galafassi
Asher Liam Campbell Brown & Dan Senor
Atlas Anne Heche & James Tupper
Audio Science Shannyn Sossaman & Dallas Clayton
August Mariska Hargitay & Peter Hermann
August Oliver Dave & Ashley Matthews
Augustin James Linda Evangelista
Arthur Saint Selma Blair & Jason Bleick
Axel Will Ferrell & Viveca Paulin
Axel Lee Kaitlin Olson & Rob McElhenney
Baker James Leigh-Allyn Baker & Keith Kauffman
Banjo Patrick Rachel Griffiths & Andrew Taylor
Barron William Donald & Melania Trump
Bastian Kick Jeremy Sisto & Addie Lane
Baylen Robert Drew & Brittany Brees
Bear Blu Alicia Silverstone & Christopher Jarecki
Beau Lee Emma "Baby Spice" Bunton & Jade Jones
Beckett Conan O'Brien & Liza
Beckett Candice & Jurji Olson
Beckett Edward Nicole Sullivan & Jason Packham
Beckett Robert Lee Stella McCartney & Alasdhair Willis
Benjamin Hunter Kaleo John Travolta & Kelly Preston
Benjamin Gisele Bundchen & Tom Brady
Bennett Robert Jane Krakowski & Robert Godley
Blaine Patrick Marty & Amy Wolff
Blaise Ray Amanda Beard & Sacha Brown
Bodhi Hawn Oliver Hudson & Erinn Bartlett
Bodhi Russell Amy Brenneman & Brad Silberling
Boone McCoy Eric & Katherine Church
Bowen Christopher Drew & Brittany Brees
Bowie (& twin brother John-Paul) Paul Weller & Hannah Andrews
Braydon Melissa Joan Hart & Mark Wilkerson
Brendan Joseph Mark Wahlberg & Rhea Durham
Brooklyn Victoria "Posh" Beckham & David Beckham
Brooks Alan Molly Sims & Scott Stuber
Bronx Mowgli Ashlee Simpson & Pete Wentz
Buddy Bear Maurice Jamie Oliver & Juliette Norton
Buster Timothy Jonny Lee Miller & Michele Hicks
Caleb Bo & Caroline Bice
Calin Armstrong Samaire Armstrong & Jason Christopher
Callum Lyon Kyle MacLachlan & Desiree Gruber
Camden Jack Kristin Cavallari & Jay Cutler
Camden John Vanessa & Nick Lachey
Carlo Salvatore Buddy & Lisa Valastro
Cash John & Joan Rich
Cash Hudson Courtney Friel & Carter Evans
Cash Joshua Joshua & Tobe Morrow
Caspar Claudia Schiffer & Matthew Vaughn
Cassius Bobby Brown & Alicia Etheridge
Cayden Wyatt Kevin & Christine Costner
Charlie Axel Tiger Woods & Elin Nordegren
Charlie Rhodes Sarah Chalke & Jamie Afifi
Clarke Everett Isaac & Nikki Hanson
Colby Lynch Josh & Jennifer Turner
Collin Thomas (& five other sextuplets) Kate & Jon Gosselin
Cooper Alexander Philip Seymour Hoffman & Mimi O'Donnell
Copeland Cruz Ryan & Genevieve Tedder
Cosimo Henry Beck & Marissa Ribisi
Cree Taylor Tia Mowry & Cory Hardrict
Cruz Victoria "Posh" Beckham & David Beckham
Cruz Lleyton & Bec Hewitt
Curtis Muhammad Laila Ali & Curtis Conway
Cyrus Michael Christopher Claire Danes & Hugh Dancy
Dallas Xavier Fantasia Barrino
Daniel Issam Jaclyn & Scott Stapp (Creed)
Daniel Julez Solange Knowles and Daniel Smith
Dante Amadeo Christopher & Sherman Meloni
Dashel Pierce Nicole Sullivan & Jason Packham
Dashiell John Cate Blanchett & Andrew Upton
David Madonna & Guy Ritchie
David Daniel Jennifer Hudson
Deacon Reese Witherspoon & Ryan Phillipe
Denim Cole Toni Braxton & Keri Lewis
Dev Eshaan (& twin brother Jai Blue) Daya Vaidya & Don Wallace
Devin James Donovan & Roxie McNabb
Dexter Henry Lorcan (& twin brother Frank Harlan) Diana Krall & Elvis Costello
Dexter Lloyd Charlotte Church & Gavin Henson
Dezi James Jaime Pressly & Eric Calvo
Diesel Dean Jennie Finch & Casey Daigle
Diezel Ky Toni Braxton & Keri Lewis
Donald J. Trump III Donald & Vanessa Trump, Jr.
Donovan Rory Noel Gallagher & Sara MacDonald
Draco Danica McKellar & Mike Verta
Dreavyn Kingslee Billy & Linzi Martin
Dylan Christopher Tracey Gold & Robey Marshall
Dylan Jay Jay & Allison DeMarcus
Easton August Anthony Elisabeth Röhm & Ron Wooster
Easton Quinn Monroe Jenna & Bodhi Elfman
Eddy (& twin brother Nelson) Céline Dion & René Angélil
Edward Duke Giuliana & Bill Rancic
Egypt Daoud Alicia Keys & Swizz Beatz
Eli Benjamin Rachel Dratch & John Wahl
Eli Nicolas (& twin brother Hugo Bernard) Jeffrey & Kasai Tambor
Elijah Joseph Daniel Elton John & David Furnish
Emet Kuli Lisa Loeb & Roey Hershkovitz
Emmett Andrew Sarah Jane Morris & Ned Brower
Emmett Emmanual Spencer Grammer & James Hesketh
Ethan Page Edward Furlong & Rachael Bella
Ever Imre Alanis Morissette & Mario "Souleye" Treadway
Everly Bear Anthony Kiedis & Heather Christie
Exton Elias Susan & Robert Downey Jr.
Ezekiel Czar Tisha Campbell-Martin & Duane Martin
Finley Arthur Holly Marie Combs & David Donoho
Finn Autumn Reeser & Jesse Warren
Finn Christy Turlington & Ed Burns
Finn Davey Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott
Flynn Miranda Kerr & Orlando Bloom
Francis Jonathan Ashley Jensen & Terence Beesley
Frank Harlan (& twin brother Dexter Henry Lorcan) Diana Krall & Elvis Costello
Freddie Annie Wersching & Stephen Full
Frederick Heschel Mayim Bialik
Gavin Joshua Vern Yip
Gavin Lee Marisa Miller & Griffin Guess
Gianni Jill Hennessy & Paolo Mastropietro
Gideon Scott (& twin sister Harper Grace) Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka
Greyson James Carroll Kara DioGuardi & Mike McCuddy
Griffin Arthur Brendan Fraser & Afton Smith
Griffin Thomas Joey & Barret McIntyre
Gunner Brandon & Tana Flowers
Gus Emily & Charlie Robison
Gus (& twin brother John) Julie Bowen & Scott Phillips
Hal Hank Azaria & Katie Wright
Hawkins Tony Romo & Candice Crawford
Hayes Logan Kevin Costner & Christine Baumgartner
Henry Benjamin (& twin sister Julianna Tex) Emily & Charlie Robison
Henry Brandon & Tana Flowers
Henry Emily Deschanel & David Hornsby
Henry Chance Rachel Weisz & Darren Aronofsky
Henry Daniel Julia Roberts & Danny Moder
Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel Heidi Klum & Seal
Henry Taduesz Colin Farrell & Alicja Bachleda
Hermes Gustaf Daniel Kelly Rutherford & Daniel Giersch
Henry Story Minnie Driver
Holden Fletcher Brendan Fraser & Afton Smith
Holden John Howie Dorough & Leigh Boniello
Holden Paul Terry Mira Sorvino & Chris Backus
Huckleberry Edward Jocelyne Edward Michael Grylls & Shara
Hudson (& twin sister Julitta Dee) Marcia Gay Harden & Thaddaeus Scheel
Hudson Lee Gena Lee Nolin & Cale Hulse
Hudson Nicolas Drew & Lea Lachey
Hugo Bernard (& twin brother Eli Nicolas) Jeffrey & Kasai Tambor
Ignatius Martin Cate Blanchett & Andrew Upton
Ikhyd Edgar Arular M.I.A. & Benjamin Bronfman
Indiana August Casey Affleck & Summer Phoenix
Isaac Joel & Sarah McHale
Isaiah Timothy Elisabeth & Tim Hasselbeck
Jack Anna Faris & Chris Pratt
Jack Jack & Tanya Black
Jack Maya Rudolph & Paul Thomas Anderson
Jackson Charlize Theron
Jackson James Carson Daly & Siri Pinter
Jackson Kayse Scott & Kelly Wolf
Jackson Phillip Poppy Montgomery & Adam Kaufman
Jackson Robert Nikki Cascone & Brad Grossman
Jackson Wright John Henson & Jill Benjamin
Jacob Emerson Courtney Thorne-Smith & Roger Fishman
Jaden Christopher Syre Will Smith & Jada Pinkett- Smith
Jagger Donovan Joe Don Rooney & Tiffany Fallon
Jai Blue (& twin brother Dev Eshaan) Daya Vaidya & Don Wallace
Jaid Thomas (& twin brother Jax Joseph) Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon & Michael Nilon
Jakson Makana Shawnee Smith & Kai Mattoon
James Hoke Howie Dorough & Leigh Boniello
James Joseph Tom & Maureen Cavanagh
James Monroe Isaac & Nicole Hanson
James Timothy (& twin sister Fiona Leigh) Danny & Bridget Pudi
Jasper Warren Kimberly Williams-Paisley & Brad Paisley
Jax Joseph (& twin brother Jaid Thomas) Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon & Michael Nilon
Jayden James Britney Spears & Kevin Federline
Jeffrey Charles Jr Sherri Shepherd & Jeffrey Charles
Jesse Jameson (& twin brother Journey Jett) Jenna Jameson & Tito Ortiz
Jett Hamilton Jill Scott & Lil John Roberts
Joaquin Antonio Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuelos
Joe Kate Winslet & Sam Mendes
Joel Kevin (& five other sextuplets) Kate & Jon Gosselin
Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel Heidi Klum & Seal
John (& twin brother Gus) Julie Bowen & Scott Phillips
John " Jack" Christopher III Johnny Depp & Vanessa Paradis
John Edward Thomas Bridget Moynahan & Tom Brady
John Ira Shephard Zac & Kate Hanson
John Rocco Shannon Miller & John Falconetti
John-Paul (& twin brother Bowie) Paul Weller & Hannah Andrews
Johnny Mira Sorvino & Chris Backus
Jonah Christopher Jo Dee Messina & Chris Deffenbaugh
Jordan Ezra Taylor & Natalie Hanson
Joseph Michael Kerri Walsh & Casey Jennings
Journey Jameson Jaime Luis Gómez ("Taboo") & Jaymie Dizon
Journey Jett (& twin brother Jesse Jameson) Jenna Jameson & Tito Ortiz
Jude Kristoffer Polaha & Julianne Morris
Jude Gordon Kelsey Grammer & Camille Donatecci
Julian Fuego Paula Patton & Robin Thicke
Julian Kal Jerry & Jessica Seinfeld
Kai David Singh Parminder Nagra & James Stenson
Kai Wayne Wayne & Coleen Rooney
Kaiis Steven (& twin brother Kian Williams) Geena Davis & Reza Jarrahy
Kal-El Coppola Nicolas Cage & Alice Kim
Kannon Valentine Kevin & Steffiana James
Kase Townes Jewel & Ty Murray
Kash Kade Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann
Kaydnz Kodah Najim T-Pain & Amber
Keen Mark Ruffalo & Sunrise Coigney
Kellan Clay (& twin sister Sage Ann) Kyra Phillips & John Roberts
Kelley James Holly Marie Combs & David Donoho
Kenzo Lee Kimora Lee Simmons & Djimon Hounsou
Kez Sunday Nia Long & Ime Udoka
Kian Williams (& twin brother Kaiis Steven) Geena Davis & Reza Jarrahy
Kieran Lindsay Julianna Margulies & Keith Lieberthal
Kieran Thomas Alana de la Garza & Michael Roberts
Kingston James McGregor Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale
Kingston Michael Michael & Christa Lynche
Knight Jones Kelis & Nas
Knox Addison Amanda Righetti & Jordan Alan
Knox Cameron Patrick Matthew Followill & Johanna Bennett
Knox Leon Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
Koa Thomas Tom & Mieke Dumont
Kyd Miller David Duchovny & Tea Leoni
Lailaa Nicole Candace Parker & Shelden Williams
Laird Vonne Sharon Stone
Landon Shanna Moakler & Travis Barker
Leland Francis Brendan Fraser & Afton Smith
Leo Encinas Penélope Cruz & Javier Bardem
Leo Grey Kaitlin Olson & Rob McElhenney
Leo Kipling Kim Raver & Manu Boyer
Leo James Brandon Routh & Courtney Ford
Levi Matthew McConaughey & Camila Alves
Levi James Sheryl Crow
Liam Aaron Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott
Liam James Craig & Megan Ferguson
Lincoln William Holiday Kenny & Christie Alphin
Lion Alex O'Loughlin & Malia Jones
Livingston Matthew McConaughey & Camila Alves
Logan Phineas Ryan Murphy & David Miller
London Phillip Jay & Erica McGraw
Lorenzo Dominic Snooki & Jionni LaValle
Louis Bardo Sandra Bullock
Luca Cruz Hilary Duff & Mike Comrie
Luca Shai Rebecca Minkof & Gavin Bellour
Lucas Claude (& twin sister Olivia Lou) Wanda & Alex Sykes
Luke Natalie Morales & Joe Rhodes
Luke Gary Busey & Steffanie Sampson
Luka Bodhi Tom Colicchio & Lisa Silverbush
Luke West Kim Raver & Manu Boyer
Lyndon Edward (& twin sister Hartley Grace) Mark McGrath & Carin Kingsland
Lyric Lennon Ashley Parker Angel & Tiffany Lynn
Maddox Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
Magnus Will Ferrell & Viveca Paulin
Magnus Hamilton Jennifer Nettles & Justin Miller
Magnus Mitchell Elizabeth Banks & Max Handelman
Malachy Cillian Murphy & Yvonne McGuinness
Mason Evan Ne-Yo & Monyetta Shaw
Marcello Daniel Diablo Cody & Dan Maurio
Marshall Williams (& twin sister Mosley Thompson) Peyton & Ashley Manning
Marco Jill Hennessy & Paolo Mastropietro
Mason Blaise Alisan Porte & Brian Autenrieth
Mason Dash Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick
Mason Walter Melissa Joan Hart & Mark Wilkerson
Mateo Bravery Benjamin Bratt & Talisa Soto
Mateo Lev Tom Colicchio & Lori Silverbush
Matthew Alejandro Thalia & Tommy Mottola
Mattea Angel Mira Sorvino & Chris Backus
Matteo (& twin brother Valentino) Ricky Martin
Matteo Tomaz Kristin & Joao Dos Santos
Mattias Will Ferrell & Viveca Paulin
Max Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony
Max Aaron Gilbert & Dara Gottfried
Max Liron Christina Aguilera & Jordan Bratman
Max Ellington Cynthia Nixon & Christine Marinoni
Maxwell Ashton Ryan & Trista Sutter
Maxwell David Katy & Eric Ladin
Maxwell Edward Lance Armstrong & Anna Hansen
Mekhi Thira Mekhi Phifer & Oni Souratha
Memphis Jemima Kirke & Michael Mosberg
Meredith Daniel Jay Mohr & Nikki Cox
Micah Emmanuel Sarah Drew & Peter Lanfer
Michael Mark Whalberg & Rhea Durham
Michael Joseph Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuelos
Michael Douglas Jaimee Foxworth & Michael Shaw
Milan Shakira & Gerard Piqué
Miles Alexander Joy Williams & Nate Yetton
Miles Robert Glenn Howerton & Jill Latiano
Miller Steven (& twin sister Johnnie Rose) Melissa Etheridge & Tammy Lynn Michaels
Milo Liv Tyler and Royston Langdon
Milo Sherry Stringfield & Larry Joseph
Milo Thomas Alyssa Milano & David Bugliari
Monroe Jackson Rathbone VI
Jackson Rathbone & Sheila Hafsadi
Moses Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin
Moroccan Scott (& twin sister Monroe) Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon
Morocco Elijah Mike & Lakiha Spicer Tyson
Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha Lisa Bonet & Jason Momoa
Nash Lemuel Jennifer & Cat Cora
Nathan Thomas Jon Stewart & Tracy McShane
Naviyd Ely Raymond Usher & Tameka Foster
Nelson (& twin brother Eddy) Céline Dion & René Angélil
Noah James (& twin sister Adalynn Rose) Chris & Deanna Daughtry
Noah Phoenix Alessandra Ambrosio & Jamie Mazur
Noah Rev Josh & Jessica Lucas
Noah Roger Jo Dee Messina & Chris Deffenbaugh
Noah Shannon Megan Fox & Brian Austin Green
Noah Theodore Jesse Csincsak & Ann Lueders
Noah Wilde Chyler Leigh & Nathan West
Nolan River Thomas Ian & Collette Nicholas
Nolan Shannon Molly Shannon & Fritz Chestnut
Oliver Henry Milton Danny Elfman & Bridget Fonda
Oliver McLanahan Julie Bowen & Scott Phillips
Oliver Philip Fred & Jennifer Savage
Orion Christopher Chris Noth & Tara Wilson
Orson Halcyon Lauren Ambrose & Sam Handel
Orrin Ryder Josh Homme & Brody Dalle
Oscar Gillian Anderson & Mark Griffiths
Oscar Maximillian Hugh Jackman & Deborra-Lee Furness
Otis Tobias Tobey Maguire & Jen Meyer
Owen Strausser Noah & Tracey Wyle
Parker Foster Clay Aiken
Patrick Ryan Rich & Virginia Sommer
Pax Thien Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
Peanut Kai Ingo Rademacher & Ehiku
Philip Doutzen Kroes & Sunnery James
Phinnaeus Walter (& twin sister Hazel Patricia) Julia Roberts & Danny Moder
Phoenix Jillian Michaels & Heidi Rhoades
Phyllon Joy Doutzen Kroes & Sunnery James
Pilot Inspektor Jason Lee & Beth Riesgraf
Pirate Jonathan & Deven Davis
Ptolemy John Gretchen Mol & Tod Williams
Quinlin Dempsey Ben Stiller & Christine Taylor
Racer Maximilliano Robert Rodriguez & Elizabeth Avellan
Rekker Radley Cam Gigandet & Dominique Geisendorff
Rebel Antonio Robert Rodriguez & Elizabeth Avellan
Rex Harrison Niki Taylor & Burney Lamar
Rhys Edward Joey & Barrett McIntyre
Riley Edward Holly Marie Combs & David Donoho
River Keri Russell & Shane Dreary
River Samuel Taylor & Natalie Hanson
Roan Sharon Stone & Phil Bronstein
Robert Ford Owen Wilson & Jade Duell
Rocco Madonna & Guy Ritchie
Rocko Akira Johnny Knoxville & Naomi Nelson
Rocket Valentin Robert Rodriguez & Elizabeth Avellan
Rocky James Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michelle Gellar
Rogue Robert Rodriguez & Elizabeth Avellan
Roman Debra Messing & Daniel Zelman
Roman Robert Cate Blanchett & Andrew Upton
Roman Stylianos (& twin sister Adele Georgiana) Molly Ringwald & Panio Gianopoulous
Romeo Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham & David Beckham
Ronan Catherine Bell & Adam Beason
Russell Charlie Day and Mary Elizabeth Ellis
Ryder Kate Hudson & Chris Robinson
Rylan Jaxson Eric Mabius & Ivy Sherman
Sabu Traylor Howard
Salvadore ‘ Sal’ Daniel Chantal Kreviazuk & Raine Maida
Samuel Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck
Samuel Kai Naomi Watts & Liev Schreiber
Samuel Wyatt Jack Black & Tanya Haden
Sasha Naomi Watts & Liev Schreiber
Sawyer Steven Erica Hill & David Yount
Sean Preston Britney Spears & Kevin Federline
Sebastian "The Bash" Taylor Thomas Amber Rose & Wiz Khalifa
Sebastian Thomas Tommy Hilfiger & Dee Ocleppo
Shaelyn Cado Cobie Smulders & Taran Killam
Shaya Braven Brooke Burke & David Charvet
Shepherd Kellen Jerry & Jessica Seinfeld
Sheppard James Denton & Erin O'Brien
Sky Cole Elizabeth Berkley & Greg Lauren
Skyler Morrison Rachel Zoe & Rodger Berman
Sonny (& twin sister Natalia) Adam Carolla & Lynette Paradise
Sonny Jason & Ceren Lee
Sophocles Iraia Jemaine Clement & Miranda Manasiadis
Sparrow James Midnight Nicole Richie & Joel Madden
Story Elias Jenna Elfman
Sundance Thomas Kerri Walsh & Casey Jennings
Tate Emma "Baby Spice" Bunton & Jade Jones
Tatum Christopher Luke & Caroline Bryan
Taylor Thomas Elisabeth & Tim Hasselbeck
Tennessee James Reese Witherspoon & Jim Toth
Tennyson Russell Crowe & Danielle Spencer
Theo Bryce Dallas Howard & Seth Gabel
Theodore Ali Larter & Hayes MacArthur
Thomas "Bo" Boyer Luke & Caroline Bryan
Thomas Boone (& twin sister Zoe Grace) Dennis & Kimberly Quaid
Thomas Colton Jared Padalecki & Genevieve Cortese
Titus Gabriel Jonathan Jackson & Lisa Vultaggio
Tobin Jack Karolina Kurkova & Archie Drury
Tripp Easton Mitchell Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston
Truman Alexis Stewart
Tucker McFadden Melissa Joan Hart & Mark Wilkerson
Tyler William Kerri Strug & Robert Fischer III
Usher Raymond V Usher & Tameka Foster
Valentine Anthony Mary Lynn Rajskub & Matthew Rolph
Viggo Moriah Taylor & Natalie Hanson
Valentino (& twin brother Matteo) Ricky Martin
Vincent Michael Dominique Moceanu & Mike Canales
Walker Nathaniel Taye Diggs & Idina Menzel
Waylon Albert “Blackjack” Drea de Matteo & Shooter Jennings
West Yantz Randy Houser & Jessa Lee
Wilder Brooks Oliver Hudson & Erinn Bartlett
William Cash Chris & Heidi Powell
William Huckleberry Brad & Kimberly Williams-Paisley
William Luca James Marsden & Rose Costa
William Neko Bell Justin Guarini & Reina Capodici
William Strummer Molly Parker & Matt Bissonnett
Winston James Billie Piper
Wyatt Steven Sheryl Crow
Xander Dane January Jones
Yeshua Francis Neil Sinead O'Connor & Frank Bonadio
Zayne Mindy McCready & David Wilson
Zev Marissa Jaret Winokur & Judah Miller
Zolten Penn Penn & Emily Jillette
Zuma Nesta Rock Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale